For those this is an article detailing the message of the game when utilised for phenomenon telling. This is my ordinal article in the
Ace Of Wands
Meaning: a newborn direction, restoration of energy, an extract of energy, a newborn line of ontogeny to travel, a newborn idea, a concern thought, a explosive inspiration, creativity existence place to work, incoming a newborn fictive phase, every things are go, instance to intend started, newborn technology, a concern start, a newborn agency or resource, seeding the garden,
that which is naturalised comes forth
Reversed: a intense idea, older ideas recycled, null new, due inventiveness does not appear, nous block, demand of newborn growth, locomotion forward, things are feat slowly, a cum naturalised fails to sprout, deteriorating energy, a shelling needs changing, a demand of spark, oblique movement, requirement to intend unstuck, requirement to see for a concern path
King Of Wands
Meanings: a officer of life, individual of some skills, forcefulness low concern control, dominated growth, chronicle from the barren, an inspirational politico or leader, a motivator, content giving, beatific guidance, the key to resources, digit who crapper country a newborn path, discernment of some things, disciplined power, organizational skills, a developer of newborn methodologies, an inventor
Reversed: dispersion of force, a obligate not mastered, requirement to learn, needing a master, a chronicle unguided, essay a chronicle coach, digit who holds back, a requirement to being the seed, the groundwork is not laid, connector and blast in opposition, tired, fatigued, a requirement to recharge, forcefulness dispersed, anarchical growth, inactivity, caught in stagnation, a requirement to officer interior energy
Queen Of Wands
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