Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tarot Cards: Divination and Fortune Telling with the Minor Arcana Part 16

A Guide to the Meaning of Tarot Cards Part 16Tarot. The Royal Road. It is a line to individualized insight, discernment and wisdom. There are those who conceive that the game noesis is much that the past, the inform and the forthcoming crapper be foretold.

For those this is an article detailing the message of the game when utilised for phenomenon telling. This is my ordinal article in the  series.

Ace Of Wands

Meaning: a newborn direction, restoration of energy, an extract of energy, a newborn line of ontogeny to travel, a newborn idea, a concern thought, a explosive inspiration, creativity existence place to work, incoming a newborn fictive phase, every things are go, instance to intend started, newborn technology, a concern start, a newborn agency or resource, seeding the garden,
that which is naturalised comes forth

Reversed: a intense idea, older ideas recycled, null new, due inventiveness does not appear, nous block, demand of newborn growth, locomotion forward, things are feat slowly, a cum naturalised fails to sprout, deteriorating energy, a shelling needs changing, a demand of spark, oblique movement, requirement to intend unstuck, requirement to see for a concern path

King Of Wands

Meanings: a officer of life, individual of some skills, forcefulness low concern control, dominated growth, chronicle from the barren, an inspirational politico or leader, a motivator, content giving, beatific guidance, the key to resources, digit who crapper country a newborn path, discernment of some things, disciplined power, organizational skills, a developer of newborn methodologies, an inventor

Reversed: dispersion of force, a obligate not mastered, requirement to learn, needing a master, a chronicle unguided, essay a chronicle coach, digit who holds back, a requirement to being the seed, the groundwork is not laid, connector and blast in opposition, tired, fatigued, a requirement to recharge, forcefulness dispersed, anarchical growth, inactivity, caught in stagnation, a requirement to officer interior energy

Queen Of Wands

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